The Perfect Prayer

“Ask anything, and you will be given!”  This is a common theme that is preached and taught to which we are very much familiar.  Yet, it is one where I believe many have asked amiss – where James eludes to – because of lack of understanding James 4:3.  That is not to say that God does not answer when we ask Him for things but more about going deeper in our asking will yield to us greater results.  To go deeper means to look beyond  our immediate comfort or need to something else.  Some requests we may have may even be really good asks!  Take a look at the story of Martha when she approached Jesus stating her need to Him.  Her need was validated by His answer to her even by saying she was troubled by many things only to explain to her she did not choose the ‘better’ as Mary had.  Luke 10:38-42.  No doubt there are real needs from small to extreme, but could they be counted as what Jesus calls ‘distractions?’ Some even may be quite noble, selfless and deeply spiritual.  I believe that what is needed to survive this life and achieve what would be called abundant life (John 10:10) is to ask one thing; that we may know Him, Jesus the Christ, Son of the Living God.  For if we began to truly learn Him, not learn of Him – there is a difference, I believe the other needs would be either forgotten about or they would be taken care of, and then some!  I believe we would be a satisfied people, full of His love, strong and joyful that would be far beyond a head knowledge or surface acts.  We would contain the supernatural spring that we would feed from and share with others.  John 4:13-14.  We would stand out, and face trials much differently.

As we are seeking Christ in this way then we are in the posture to know what it is to ask specifically – through the Holy Spirit’s guidance in times that would require this.

Won’t you join me in this prayer request today?

That I may know Jesus the Christ, Son of the Living God more – amen!


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